Disposable diapers can be such a relief for exhausted moms. But, reusable Cloth Diapers from Charlie Banana are definitely the better choice. Cloth diapering has many advantages for you moms, your babies and the entire world. Some of the benefits include saving a significant amount of money, reducing landfill waste, exposing your baby to less chemicals, reducing diaper rash, and the list goes on and on…

Charlie Banana Cloth diapers are for sure sustainable. But, truth to be said, you need to take good care of them if you want them to last longer. So, after a decade of manufacturing cloth diapers and being able to satisfy thousands of parents, we would like to share with you Charlie Banana experience and knowledge when it comes to taking care of your baby’s cloth diapers.

To start, here are a few things that you need to consider when making choices since they make a BIG difference:

  • How soon you wash Charlie Banana Cloth Diapers
  • The type of your washing machine and its age
  • The type of soap you use
  • The monthly sanitizing process of the loader 
  • The type of water you have

From our experience with parents, we know that Charlie Banana Cloth Diapers last longer when you handle them in a certain way. You need to rinse with water as soon as possible, then you can add it to your next pile of laundry.

This step allows you to avoid stains and ammonia build up at once.

Here are some other basic steps that you need to keep in mind:

  • Toss the solids into the toilet and shake the diaper case.
  • Remove any remaining residue by rinsing the Cloth Diaper.
  • Remove the washable inserts then store both the diapers and the inserts in a dry diaper pail or a water bucket until they’re ready to be washed.
  • Rinsing and washing your diapers on a daily basis, if possible, is preferable. It will prevent any ammonia and staining problems. If your diapers have been rinsed and are residue-free, you can wash them with your other clothes in any load.
  • Always wash in cold or warm water to a maximum of 40℃.
  • Use any cloth-friendly detergent in the appropriate amount.
  • Do not use fabric softener or bleach.
  • Tumble dry on low or hang to dry.
  • If a stain occurs, apply a little lemon juice to the area and bleach your diaper in the sun.

Here is a list of a few things you need to avoid in order to take good care of your Charlie Banana Cloth Diapers:

  • Do not boil Charlie Banana Cloth Diapers
  • Do not let Charlie Banana Cloth Diapers sit for days
  • Do not use Bleach to wash Charlie Banana Cloth Diapers as it damages the waterproof membrane and melts elastics. 
  • Do not wash Charlie Banana Cloth Diapers with hot water. It also reduces the lifetime of your diapers elastic and voids warranty.

If you are new to the cloth diapering community, keep in mind that Charlie Banana Cloth Diapers are the best choice for your baby. They keep them safe and leak-free all day long. It is also soft on their skin and free of chemicals. We made sure to add our softness signature to all our Cloth Diapers. 

We want you to treasure your baby’s Charlie Banana Cloth Diapers. So, if you need any help do not hesitate to reach us through our Instagram account @ohbaby.me.

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